duminică, 4 octombrie 2009

Castiga 3 jocuri FIFA 10 (PC, PS3, Xbox360)

Dragii mosului, am ajuns si eu la tara cu internet mobil pe care il blestem de cateva ore. In final am reusit sa fac in 6 ore ce puteam sa fac pe fiberlink in 5 minute. Dar am net la tara. Si a trebuit sa ma urc pe un deal ca sa am semnal bun.Nu e cool? Ok...haideti sa trecem la lucruri serioase. V-am promis un concurs surpriza pentru azi (ieri). Dupa cum stiti ieri s-a lansat FIFA 10 in Romania. Am considerat ca cel mai potrivit joc pentru noul concurs este FIFA 10. Avem 3 premii pentru voi, mai exact 3 jocuri FIFA 10(PC, PS3, Xbox360). Care sunt regulile pentru acest concurs?

1. Trebuie sa participi la o discutie pe forumul nostru la topicul FIFA 10

2. Trebuie sa ne trimiti un e-mail cu datele tale de contact la adresa concurs@gamoholic.net si sa ne spui pentru ce varianta a jocului FIFA 10 participi la concurs (PC, PS3, Xbox360).

Castigatorii vor fi anuntati la rubrica de concursuri pe data de 19 octombrie 2009. Multa bafta!

 Detalii despre joc:

On the heels of FIFA Soccer 09, the world’s top-selling football franchise, EA SPORTS FIFA Soccer 10 delivers a true football experience to the consumer with authentic club and league licenses as well as new tailored gameplay enhancements and innovations that combine to create the complete PC football simulation.
The first-ever true 360° dribbling system in a football game gives you precise control to skillfully play spaces between defenders that previously were not possible.
Advanced animation warping technology lets skilled players face defenders and maneuver around them with highly-responsive lateral dribbling, just like the game's legends.
Wider dribble touches and new collision sharing allow for a less predictable yet extended fight for possession, resulting in more realistic battles between the dribbler and his defender .
Improved Urgency AI logic, with over 50 new movement cycles, delivers more responsive positioning so your players stay focused on the ball and move at a speed appropriate to the action.
Players now have a better awareness of where the easiest, most natural trapping position is so they can get the ball on the ground and under control easier and earlier.
Defenders multi-task and play the pitch more intelligently by covering dangerous spaces left by out-of-position teammates. In attack, players analyze space more effectively, curve their runs to stay onside, create.

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